October is nearly here and the beginning of Fall in the Valley of the Sun sets off with cooler weather and a well-received reprieve from the dangers of the summer months. It’s also signals the start of the spooky season and the upcoming Sun City West Witches Ride — this year, benefiting New Life Center (NLC) — which will take place October 28, 2021.
Every year, fun-loving Witches of Sun City join together for a Fall holiday ride around the neighborhoods of Sun City West. Women dress up as witches, ride their brooms (bikes) or drive decorated golf carts around town, just for FUN and in support a local charity — New Life Center, Arizona’s largest emergency shelter.
The Witches Ride benefits New Life Center in two ways. First, the witches will collect monetary donations for NLC at the time of registration. Second, the Witches Ride will collect new pajamas and socks (for all ages) for families. A pre-ride collection will take place at Beardsley Rec Center October 18-26 from 8 AM to 5 PM each day. Drop boxes will be available. To register for the 2021 Sun City West Witches Ride, click the button below.
A few housekeeping items for those who wish to take part in the ride:
Disclaimer: By registering for this ride you agree to the following:
- Be respectful: participants are adult women residents of Sun City West ONLY, no children, no cars, no motorcycles
- Be responsible: you as a participant take full responsibility for your actions during the ride.
- Please no alcohol before or during the ride.
- Be nonpartisan: This is a charity fundraiser and not a political event.
- Be aware: Drive your cart according to the rules of the road. Ride single file.
- Bike riders MUST WEAR HELMETS!
- COVID Masks encouraged