a woman with brown eyes

Everything begins with a trauma-informed approach

New life Center’s leadership team has dedicated their time to fully implementing a trauma-informed model at every level of NLC operations. Under this model, all staff and volunteers are trained in recognizing, respecting and appropriately responding to the presence of trauma in a client’s life.

What is trauma-informed care?

Trauma-Informed Care is based on the notion an individual is more likely than not to have experienced a history of trauma as opposed to one-off events. Trauma-Informed Care recognizes the presence of trauma symptoms and acknowledges the role trauma may play in an individual’s life.

Trauma-Informed Care systems create a paradigm shift from asking, “What is wrong with this person?” to “What has happened to this person?” Trauma-Informed Care does not treat symptoms or issues related to sexual, physical or emotional abuse, but rather provides support services in a way that is accessible and appropriate to those who may have experienced trauma. This reduces the possibility for triggering or exacerbating trauma symptoms and re-traumatizing individuals.

new Life Center Services

New Life Center offers multiple domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking services and is one of the regional leaders in sexual assault investigation training – helping officers and detectives learn and implement trauma-informed tactics.

Emergency Shelter

A woman with her hands on her head

Emergency Shelter

New Life Center’s campus is one of the largest stand-alone domestic violence shelters in the country with 104 beds, providing a comprehensive, trauma-informed care model to support families in starting independent lives. The comprehensive emergency shelter program at New Life Center provides the necessary living needs for all residents to begin to thrive in their new lives free of domestic and sexual violence.


A woman reads to a classroom of children


Domestic and sexual violence is not limited to adults. Children who witness or are victims of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse are at higher risk for health problems as adults. These can include – but are not limited to – mental health conditions, like depression and anxiety. New Life Center not only extends emergency shelter services to children, but also provides learning services and physical education services to children seeking shelter on campus.

PAWS – Protecting Animals With Survivors

A sleepy old dog

PAWS – Protecting Animals With Survivors

Between 25 and 50 percent of domestic and sexual assault survivors reportedly delay or refuse to leave an abusive and often dangerous partner because they’re afraid of what could happen to the pet they leave behind. No one should have to choose between their safety and the safety of their beloved pets. New Life Center recognizes and understands the extremely important role these pets play in healing, and is proud to be one of only three percent of DV shelters in the country to accommodate survivors’ pets.

Mobile Advocacy Services

A woman's hands

Mobile Advocacy Services

Many victims of domestic violence or sexual assault have already found a safe living situation or are staying with friends and family. In these cases, New Life Center mobile advocates meet survivors in safe places within their community to assist with employment, immigration issues, childcare, safety planning legal services and more. Mobile advocates continue to support survivors throughout all stages of healing until clients are ready to exit the program.

Human Trafficking Services

A woman looking into the distance

Human Trafficking Services

Human trafficking – an enormously prevalent form of human rights abuse happening in the United States right now – takes many forms including forced labor, debt bondage, domestic servitude, forced child labor, sex trafficking and child sex trafficking. New Life Center supports survivors of human trafficking by providing comprehensive residential services – if needed – as well as rent subsidies and even temporary stays at hotels depending on the needs and safety of the survivor.

Healing Center

Two people sitting across from each other holding hands.

Sunshine Healing Center

• 24/7 hotline support/response
• Advocacy/case management
• Resources and referrals
• Court and medical accompaniment
• Law enforcement reporting coordination
• Groups and holistic healing
• Transportation to SANE exams and other services related to SV treatment/support
• Trauma Treatment

3826 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ 85012
Phone: 623-215-8072

Sexual Assault Investigation Training

A person giving a statement to an authority

Sexual Assault Investigation Training

New Life Center provides statewide sexual assault investigation training for law enforcement, prosecution, and other criminal justice professionals. All training courses are taught by subject matter experts in the field, free to attend and AZPOST credit eligible.